You Should be Using Musicbrainz

Introduction Local music libraries require the curation of it’s tags both to ensure the accuracy of these tags, and to enforce particular stylistic preferences. This process of tagging files manually is time-consuming and error-prone. Throughout this post, I will argue that utilizing Musicbrainz to associate local files with database entries: Takes less time than the alternative of manually tagging music Allows for efforts towards each metadata correction to benefit all owners of that release Allows for uniformly enforcing stylistic preferences across one’s music library Why Do We Care About Metadata?

Digital Media - Part 01 - Audio

Series Introduction If you work with audio or video, even if only tangentially, it can be helpful to have some context around how this media is recorded, represented, and stored. The purpose of this series is to provide some of this context. It is not intended to be exhaustive, rather to provide enough background in one place while highlighting how the concepts relate to each other to allow you to research the different areas further.